JH VB Today at 4:30 in Gary against Beckville. Come out and support our Girls!!! 🧡🏐🖤

Picture Day Is Coming! Thursday, October 1st. Picture order forms have been sent home with students or you can go online and order with the Picture Day ID in the attached photo. Get those SMILES camera ready!

Hey Bobcat Fans! Varsity Lady Bobcats play today in Timpson at 4:30! Masks are required!

JH Baseball Game Tonight at 6 pm Canceled Due to Field Conditions.

Order your 2020 PINK OUT T-SHIRT starting Thursday, September 24!
Order forms will go home tomorrow and all orders must be turned in by 09/28/20! Order forms and money can be turned into the elementary and high school offices!
October 13th as JV/V Lady Bobcats play Timpson at 4:30 in Gary!

HS Cross Country Meet in Zavalla Canceled Due to Rain

See You At The Pole
Wednesday 23rd at 7:45 AM
Morning drop off procedures will be as normal. PreK-6th grade will meet at the Elementary campus flagpole and JH/HS will meet at the High School campus at 7:45 AM.

The JV/V Lady Bobcats play in Shelbyville at 4:30 TODAY! Masks are required or you will not be allowed in. The Volleyball game has been moved to the basketball gym located right as you turn into the parking lot by the football field. 🏐

JH Baseball Doubleheader At Bobcat Field
Saturday 19th at 10am & 12pm

Gary 4-H Meeting for Students 3-12th grade! Monday 9/21/2020 at 6pm

Varsity Lady Bobcats take on Sabine at 4:30 TONIGHT at Home! Come out and support or Lady Bobcats 🧡🏐🖤

Varsity Lady Bobcats take on Sabine at 4:30 Friday 9/18 at Home!
Come out and support or Lady Bobcats 🧡🏐🖤

Come out and support the Gary OAP tonight at The Esquire Theater!
As they perform Midsummer Night's Dream and Annie at 6pm
Students $5
Adults $10
5 and under Free

Some of our gaiter face coverings have arrived and went home with students today. They are NOT mandatory. Your child is welcome to wear his/hers or not. 😃 We also have an order of larger sizes coming and will distribute those to all other students.

Varsity Volleyball ONLY 4:30 at Home! Come support the Lady Bobcats as they take on Leveretts Chapel.

2nd 6 Weeks Sign Up for Face to Face or At-Home Learner, September 14-18. Contact your campus Principal. If you do not want to change your student's learning type, NO action is needed.

JH Cross Country Meet @ Broaddus Girls 9am Boys 9:30am

Varsity Volleyball ONLY at 4:30 at HOME. Come support the Lady Bobcats as they take on Gladewater!

Game schedules, locations and much more download the Gary ISD mobile app!

Asynchronous learning and your child's attendance.