This Saturday, Gary Production competes at the district level at Panola. The plays start at 11am and run back to back with Gary going 4th (around 1:45 or so). The OAP event will be held at the Q. M. Martin Auditorium. It means a lot to these young artists when you come to support them!
3 days ago, Zach Davis
Gary Production
With cheer tryouts happening this Friday, we know many families and friends would like to drop off goodies for their students trying out! We will gladly hold them and deliver them to students, but we ask that you please do not begin dropping them off until Friday at 1PM!
4 days ago, Zach Davis
This Wednesday, Lifetouch will be here to take our Spring Sports photos! If you are interested in purchasing these, check out the flyer!
4 days ago, Zach Davis
The 2025 Panola County Junior Livestock & Ag Mechanics Show results are in!! Gary FFA & 4-H had exhibitors in every category at the show and all students represented Gary well! Some of these projects are two year commitments and require special feeding and management strategies, students are excelling in learning these strategies and are competitive at levels beyond our county because of it! We would like to congratulate all of our students and thank the sponsors and buyers of their projects! Students raise and create these projects as an investment, the funds raised are used for future projects, vehicle purchases, college plans and much more! These projects aren’t “just” an investment for students futures, but a way for students to learn about the agricultural industry through hands-on experiences that will help them become future leaders! There were over 400 entries in the show this year ranging from 3rd-12th grades from three FFA Chapters and six 4-H clubs from across the county. Project Fair Results: Livestock Show Results: Champion Pen of Heifers: Caden Young Champion Senior Pen of Heifer Showmanship: Caden Young Champion Junior Pen of Heifer Showmanship: Reese Brady Champion Senior Pen of Heifer Recordbook: Paisley Islas Champion Market Steer: Jaycee Whitby Champion Lamb: Connally Cranford Champion Junior Lamb Showmanship: Kaydence Baisden Reserve Champion Goat: Monse Chavez Champion Senior Goat Showman: Monse Chavez Champion Junior Goat Showman: Preslea Rabon Champion Broilers: Hannah Yarborough Reserve Champion Broilers: Brannan Stevens Champion Exotic Heifer: Cash Stutes
4 days ago, Zach Davis
Basketball season may be over, but we still want to celebrate our athletes! Here are our Academic All-District Selections for Gary: MVP - Mason Powell 1st Team - Cooper Johnson, Ben Stephens, Kohl Woodfin Honorable Mention - Evan Chamness, Hudson Ogg, Jayden Winters Academic All-District - Sam Colley, Brett Flowers, Mason Powell, Ben Stephens, Kohl Woodfin, Cooper Johnson, Evan Chamness, Hudson Ogg, Koby Bell, Jonas Prewitt, Shaun Ritter Team: District Champions and Regional Semifinalists We are so proud of all the work our students do both on and off the court!
4 days ago, Zach Davis
Tomorrow starts our tryout clinic for students interested in trying out for our JH and HS Cheerleaders! The clinics will be held March 10th-12th from 4-6PM in the HS Gym, with the mock tryouts Thursday, March 13th at 4PM with the tryouts on Friday, March 14th at 4:30PM. Just a reminder that there is a mandatory parent meeting on Monday, March 10th at 5PM in the HS Commons Area that will give parents all the information needed about the program!
5 days ago, Zach Davis
Just a reminder for our JH Students; there is a track meet on Monday March 10th in Beckville! Students will be leaving class at 11:30AM to eat lunch and meet in the Athletic hallway at 12PM. The field events start at 2PM, the 2400 meter race at 2:30PM, and the other scheduled events will be at 4:45PM! If you have any questions, contact Coach Reed.
5 days ago, Zach Davis
Today’s Baseball game at 6pm has been rescheduled for tomorrow night at 6pm!
10 days ago, Zach Davis
Students in Ms. Shadix’ Principles of Agriculture and Pre-Agriculture classes have been learning about chickens! In today’s economy with the price of eggs at the grocery store soaring, knowing the process of raising your own back yard flock is a valuable lesson! Students were able to learn about different breeds of chickens, why some eggs are a variety of colors, egg fertilization, incubation times and processes and more! They set 26 eggs in their classroom incubator and 23 hatched! 🐣 The three that didn’t hatch were used as a teaching moment to hypothesize why they didn’t make it out of the shells, which is a natural occurrence. Some cool things that were learned throughout the unit: 🐣The “white” of the egg will be the chick, the yolk is absorbed into the chicks belly before hatching and serves as their food, water and energy as they hatch themselves out of the egg 🐣It takes chickens 6-8 months to lay their first eggs and they lay consistently for roughly 2.5 years. 🐣It takes 21 days for a chick to hatch, once incubation begins. Incubators are set to 99.5 degrees for that time. 🐣Candling eggs is putting a light up to the “fat end” of the shell to check for development inside the egg. 🐣You should be able to see veins at day 7 when you candle if the egg is fertile and they have been at a constant 99.5 degrees. From days 1-18 eggs should be “turned”, on day 18 you “lockdown” the eggs- which means you take the egg turners out of the incubator, add water to raise the humidity and lay the eggs kn their sides so the chicks can prepare to hatch. 🐣 Do NOT open the incubator from day 18-21, you take the chance of lowering the temperature and humidity and harming eggs that haven’t hatched. 🐣Just because the egg laid, does NOT mean the chicken will “set” on it and hatch it. Most chickens don’t want to hatch their eggs and simply lay them and leave them. There is NO CHICK until the egg is heated to 99.5 for an extended amount of time. 🐣There is no visible difference in a fertilized egg and a non-fertilized egg when it is laid. Students had a fun time learning about the steps and processes and now get to hang out with their chicks in class until winter break!
15 days ago, Zach Davis
First eSports gameday results of the season!
15 days ago, Zach Davis
The High School and Middle School Esports seasons begin this Wednesday and Thursday at 4:00 p.m.! Don’t miss the excitement! 📺 Watch LIVE on Twitch: 👉 Follow us for updates and live notifications! Our YouTube channel is coming soon—stay tuned! Thanks for cheering on Bobcat Esports! #BobcatEsports #GameOn #TwitchLive #EsportsAction
16 days ago, Zach Davis
Come join our JH/HS Cheer program at Gary High School! The tryout clinics start on Monday, March 10th-12th at the HS Gym from 4-6PM. A mock tryout will be held on Thursday, March 13th, with the actual tryouts on Friday, March 14th at 4:30PM! A mandatory parent meeting will be held on Monday, March 10th at 5PM in the HS Commons area. Sign up sheets are posted in the high school front office!
17 days ago, Zach Davis
Mrs. Cranford at the Elementary Library is looking for a few volunteers! If you are interested, and have a completed background check, please go to the following link to sign up;
17 days ago, Zach Davis
Here’s some quick info from UT-Tyler about parking for tomorrow night’s game; Here is a campus map for reference: Lot 15 will be the best area for fan and bus parking (Lot 2 will fill quickly). The front entrance to our building is near lot 2 off “Alumni Circle”.
17 days ago, Zach Davis
The Gary FFA & 4-H would like to invite you to the Panola County Junior Livestock Show March 3-7, 2025. A livestock show is an event where livestock are exhibited and judged on certain phenotypical breed traits as specified by their respective breed standard. Ag Mechanics Shows are events where students a judged on their woodworking and metal building skills. There are many ways to support these students and their successes! 1. Come out and watch them as they compete in their specific events 2. Purchase a project for a tax-deductible donation! 3. “Add on” to any project for any amount of money (if you do not want to take ownership of the project) Students with animal projects will be in the live auction at 1pm on Friday, March 7th at 1pm and the silent auction for the Ag Mechanics Show will be held until 3pm on 3/7. Attached is a copy of the daily schedule! Gary FFA Students that will participate in the 2025 Panola County Livestock Show: Nicole Castillo- Pig Kinsley Myron - rabbits Colee Soape- project fair Omar Castillo- ag mechanics Holden Brown- ag mechanics Hunter Brown- ag mechanics Hannah Yarborough- broilers Ethan Hughes- broilers Jake Stephenson- pig Kailean Vargas- pig Dakota Adams- ag mechanics Makynze Adams- ag mechanics Brooklyn Adams- ag mechanics Brixon Seals- pig Braylon Seals- pig Brodey Seals- broilers Caden Young- pig and pen of 3 heifers Brannan Stevens- broilers Emma Young- pig and pen of 3 heifers Paisley Islas- pig and pen of 3 heifers Koby Bell- ag mechanics Michael Kennedy- pig and ag mechanics Bradley Cope- ag mechanics Halen Hailey- ag mechanics Trinity Hailey- pig, project fair and ag mechanics Korbin Woodfin- rabbits Kyleigh Woodfin- rabbits Gary 4-H Students that will participate in the 2025 Panola County Livestock Show: Cash Stutes- Pig, heifer Jackson Whitby- steer Jaycee Whitby- steer, project fair Kambri Benitez- rabbits Bentley Pass- ag mech Emeree Wright -goat Eli Porter- rabbits Eliza Porter- rabbits Jake Stephenson- pig Jadyn Stephenson- pig Jolie Stephenson- pig Maya Anderson- rabbits Presley Holbrook- rabbits Caitlyn Ayers- steer, heifer Levi Johnson- pig Kora Alexander- chickens Katy Kennedy- pig Chloe Schatz- pig Reese Brady- Pen of heifers Austin Bradbury- Rabbits Cutter Thompson- pig Layton Thomas- lamb, project fair Lane Thomas- lamb, project fair Keira Hall- lamb, project fair Kody Hall- Ag Mechanics and project fair Case Rabon- pig Preslea Rabon- goat Kaydence Baisden- Lamb Madelyne Tinkle- Lamb, project fair Connally Cranford - Lamb, project fair Colston Cranford- Lamb, project fair Gracie Hicks- chickens Peyton Crooms- rabbits Monse Chavez- Goat Emerson Hicks- Pig Lailah Rogers - rabbits
18 days ago, Zach Davis
The Daddy Daughter Dance was a blast, and we enjoyed everyone that got to come and dance to the disco music! Families that attended the Daddy Daughter Dance last Saturday can go to the following link to sign up to receive pictures from the event;
18 days ago, Zach Davis
The next game is going to be epic, so come out and cheer on our boys as they take on Martins Mill in the Regional Semifinals this Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30PM at the UT-Tyler Patriot Center!
20 days ago, Zach Davis
Our Pre-K and Kinder kids will be hosting a Mardi Gras parade this Friday, February 21st at 9AM! Elementary students will have the opportunity to get their face painted to join in the festivities for $1!
22 days ago, Zach Davis
Congratulations to our Elementary Students of the Month for January! We are so proud of all of our little leaders here at Gary!
23 days ago, Zach Davis
The word is out, our Area Round Basketball Playoff game will be this Friday, February 21st against Alto High School! The game will start at 6PM at the Nacagdoches High School, and Gary will be on the Home side! Everybody come out and cheer our boys on!
23 days ago, Zach Davis