White Out Game! 9/23/22

On this National IT Professionals Day we want to thank Mr. Mark Baisden for keeping us connected !

Gary 4-H Meeting 9/19/22

Tomorrow Gary ISD will be wearing orange in honor of Bristell Andrews who lost her battle with childhood cancer. Please help us show support for her families!

Tomorrow is the first blood drive of the year! Please come out and give blood to help our school reach our goal.

Parents, don't forget that tomorrow is picture day!!!

A few reminders for this week: we will wear maroon tomorrow to show our support for Uvalde as they return back to school, Wednesday is picture day and the blood drive!

On Tuesday, September 6, Gary ISD would like to support Uvalde ISD as the students return back to school. We would like everyone to wear maroon to show our support. https://5il.co/1hift

Gary FFA is currently selling t-shirts for all students, parents and ALL GARY FFA supporters! Grab yours NOW! You can send money via your child (with the completed form) or stop by and see Mrs. Shadix or Mr. Harvey.
Checks made payable to: Gary FFA.
***All Jr. FFA and FFA Members that have paid their $25 FFA dues will receive a FREE t-shirt!
We will wear these shirts to many events this year, don't miss your chance to support Gary FFA! https://5il.co/1hh3m

It is time to register for soccer! Please click the following link for more information on how to sign up. https://5il.co/1gzc7

September 7th will be our first blood drive of the year! Here is the link to sign up for an appointment. https://donor.lifeshare.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/242431
For more information about the blood drive please click the following link. https://5il.co/1gphs

If you haven't received your student's STAAR scores, here is a helpful guide on how to access them online. https://5il.co/1gdd2

Elementary parents of car riders, your child will not be allowed to leave with ANYONE without a car rider tag in the vehicle. NO EXCEPTIONS

GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS??? It is back to school time! School starts tomorrow Aug 11th @ 7:55 AM! We can't wait to see everyone in the morning! https://5il.co/1fvoh

Here are a few instructions for Meet the Teacher tonight. If you need to do any of the things on this list please go straight to the library. If you don't need to, you may go straight to your child's classroom! We are looking forward to seeing everyone! https://5il.co/1ft2o

Gary Elementary is having a can food drive to help support Mission Carthage. We are asking if possible for each family to bring 1 can food item to Meet the Teacher to help with the donation. Any and all donations are welcome and very much appreciated. https://5il.co/1fq7o

Parents don't forget that tomorrow night is Meet the Teacher for Pk-6th grade at the Elementary! We can't wait to see everyone! https://5il.co/1eioe